Health + Wellbeing

Good health and wellbeing are essential for all children, educators and families at our service. Children need to become strong in their social and emotional wellbeing. They need to take increasing responsibility for their own health and physical wellbeing.

Wellbeing includes good physical health, feelings of happiness, satisfaction and success. A strong sense of wellbeing provides children with confidence and self-esteem to maximise their learning potential. Good health and learning about healthy lifestyles including nutrition, personal hygiene, physical fitness, emotions and school relationships is integral to wellbeing and self-confidence. (Belonging, Being, Becoming)

At bright minds, we support health and wellbeing by:

  • Building trust, affection and understanding by showing respect and positive interactions to all children
  • Talk with children about their emotions and how to manage them
  • Ensure all children are praised for their efforts and attempts
  • Value children’s personal decision making and support their self confidence
  • Close monitoring and demonstrating of good hygiene practices, following policies and procedures in relation to unwell children
  • Sound knowledge of first aid principles, asthma, anaphylaxis and children’s individual health requirements
  • Ensuring all children have opportunity for physical exercise, outdoor play, good nutrition, fresh water, quiet and rest times
  • Safe and direct supervision to be maintained always

At bright minds, we will always strive to maintain the health and wellbeing of everyone involved in our service. We will actively promote and seek strong health and wellbeing practices.